• Maligaon, Guwahati, Assam, India
  • nfrsamlg@gmail.com
  • +91 9957550648
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Enrolment of Membership for Guwahati Railway Greens

With Profound pleasure, it is for information to all Esteemed Golfers and interested persons/Govt./PSU/Private Organizations etc. that ‘Guwahati Railway Greens’ in the Railway Eco Park at Amingaon, Guwahati under Northeast Frontier Railway Sports Associations (NFRSA) intend to enroll Membership in different categories with Entrance Fees and Monthly charges.

The Entrance Fee and Monthly charges for the applicants selected for membership are as under :

SL Categories Membership Fees (Rs.) Monthly fees (Rs.)
1 Life Membership 5,00,000 Nil
2 Permanent Membership(Govt.) 50,000 1,000
3 Permanent Membership( Non-Govt.) 1,00,000 1,000
4 Permanent Membership (Rly Serving as well as Retired) 20,000 100
5 Corporate Membership for 5 years(Max. 5 membership) 5,00,000 Nil
6 Corporate Membership for (Max. 3 membership for 7 years) 5,00,000 1000 for each member
7 Temporary Membership (for non Rly Govt. /PSU officials posted at Guwahati on tenure basis.) 20000 for 3 years Nil
8 Temporary Membership (for Rly officials posted at Guwahati on tenure basis) 6000 for 3 years. 6000 for 3 years Nil


I) A spouse of a Permanent Member or other category stated above shall enjoy playing rights as the Member.

II) 25% Rebate on Membership fee is admissible to the Sports person who represented/representing National Level Sports events on any Sports Discipline on submission of certificate issued by concerned authority.

III) 25% Rebate on membership fee is admissible to Golfers under 18 years with certified handicap of 10 or less.

IV) Golfers (Serving and retired) having membership will have playing right free of cost in other Golf Courses within the jurisdiction of NF Railway.

The membership fees to be deposited in Cheque/DD/ RTGS in favour of General Secretary, NFR Sports Association in the Account No. 151001000004575, IFSC: IOBA0001510, Indian Overseas Bank, Maligaon.

Application forms can be obtained from the Club House, Guwahati Railway Greens.


  • 1. The name of Club shall be "GUWAHATI RAILWAY GREENS"

    The Northeast Frontier Railway has a nine-hole Golf Course in the Eco Park at Amingaon. This Golf Course is presently administered by an Eco Park Management Committee.
    In order to allow the local residents of Guwahati, area around and tourists visiting this place we need to frame the guidelines and Bye-Laws for the same. It is essential as in this process the Golf greens will generate funds to become self-sustainable. Hence, the constitution of this Club under the overall aegis and umbrella of NFRSA is to be named as "Guwahati Railway Greens (GRG).

  • 2. Membership of the Club
  • 3. Entrance Fee

    The Entrance Fee for the applicants selected for membership are as under

    SL Categories Membership Fees (Rs.) Monthly fees (Rs.)
    1 Life Membership 5,00,000
    2 Permanent Membership(Govt.) 50,000 1,000
    3 Permanent Membership( Non-Govt.) 1,00,000 1,000
    4 Permanent Membership (Rly Serving as well as Retired) 20,000 100
    5 Corporate Membership for 5 years(Max. 5 membership) 5,00,000 Nil
    6 Corporate Membership for (Max. 3 membership for 7 years) 5,00,000 1,000 for each member
    7 Temporary Membership (for non Rly Govt. /PSU officials posted at Guwahati on tenure basis 20000 for 3 years Nil
    8 Temporary Membership (for Rly officials posted at Guwahati on tenure basis) 6000 for 3 years Nil


    1. A spouse of a Permanent Member or other category stated above shall enjoy playing rights as the Member.

    2. 25% Rebate on Membership fee is admissible to the Sports person who represented/representing National Level Sports events on any Sports Discipline on submission of certificate issued by concerned authority.

    3. 25% Rebate on membership fee is admissible to Golfers under 18 years with certified handicap of 10 or less.

    4. Railway Golfers (Serving and retired) having membership will have playing right free of cost in other Golf Course within the jurisdiction of NF Railway.

  • 4. Green Fees
    SI. no. Categories Weekdays Weekends
    1 Civilian Rs. 400 Rs.500
    2 Civilian Ladies Rs. 300 Rs. 400
    3 Govt. Officials (Non- Rly) Rs. 300 Rs. 400
    4 Children (Below 15 years) (Non- Rs. 200 Rly) Rs. 200 Rs. 300
    5 Govt. Officials (Rly officials Rs. 100 Serving & retired) Rs. 100 Rs. 150

    Monthly Green Fee including charges for practice range & Practice green.

    SI. no. Category Monthly Green fee including charges for practice range & putting green in Rs.
    1 Civilian 4000
    2 Civilian Ladies 3000
    3 Govt. officials (Non-Rly) 3000
    4 Children (Below 15 years) (Non-Rly) 1500
    5 Govt. Official (Rly) 400
  • 5. Green fees practice range, coaching charges and hiring charges of golf set and trolley

    i. Green Fees for use of Practice Range: * 200/

    ii. Hiring charges for Golf set Rs. 100/- for non-members and free for members.

    iii. Hiring charges for Golf Trolley: Rs.30/- for non-members and free for members

    iv. Coaching charges: Charges for 2 hrs lesson:

    Members Rs. 100/

    Non-Members Rs. 200/


    (i) 25% Rebate on Membership fee is admissible to the Sports person who represented/representing National Level Sports events on any Sports Discipline on submission of certificate issued by concerned authority.

    (ii) 25% Rebate on membership fee is admissible to Golfers under 18 years with certified handicap of 10 or less.

    (iii) Railway Golfers (Serving and retired) having membership will have playing right free of cost in other Golf Course within the jurisdiction of NF Railway.

  • 6. (A) Course Timings

    (i) Tee Off Timings:
    Winters: 5:30 AM to 4:30 PM
    Summers : 5:00 AM to 5:30 PM

    (ii) Course Closure Timings:
    Winters: 5:00 PM
    Summers : 6:00 PM


    Summer: 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Winters: 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM

    (ii) Green Fees for use of Practice Range: 200/- (Rs. 100 for under 15 years).

    (iii) Hiring charges for Golf set Rs. 100/-

    (iv) Hiring charges for Golf Trolley: Rs.30/

    (v) Coaching charges: Charges for 2 hrs lesson:
    Members : 100/
    Non-Members: 200/

  • 7. Use of club house by non members

    Non-members/Visitors can use the club facilities during the tee off timing of the day by paying the green fee.

  • 8. Introduction of guests on the course

    A member may introduce visitors who will be allowed to pay 25% less green fees.

  • 9. Reciprocals

    To promote the Golfing sport and to develop relationship amongst Golfers with other Golf Courses of the region, the Club may enter into Reciprocal Agreement on case to case basis.

  • 10. Golf etiquette

    It shall be incumbent upon all members, dependant, visitors and guests to follow the codes of etiquette as per the R&A Rules Ltd. In addition, they should replace divots, repair pitch marks on greens, smooth out bunkers and not cause any inconvenience to other persons using the Course including standing on the Tee when it is not their turn.

  • 11. Order of Play

    (a) Two ball flight starting at any other time on week days and at any time on weekends and holidays shall have no priority whatsoever

    (b) If any player is not on the teeing ground at which he is to start or if his group or flight is not complete and present at the teeing ground as soon as the preceding group has teed off, he shall lose his right of precedence. If a player is not on the teeing ground and his group already teed off, he/she shall join the group on the course and shall have no other priority.

    (c) Players in club matches and competitions shall always have right of way starting over other players in private matches and group in front shall give a pass.

    (d) On occasions when a starter is present, players shall abide by his instructions for starting. The starter will have discretion to re-arrange times as he considers fit and in the interest of good order and in fairness to all players.

    (e) In case the play could not start on time due to rain/fog etc., at the time of re-starting the play, the time sheet originally prepared will be followed. The player who could not tee off on the time allotted to them, they will start from the tee at which they suppose to be at the time of re-starting.

    (f)The Patron & President of the Club will have right of way whether entered on the time Sheet or not.

    (g) The Committee may in their discretion frame rules with regard to Time - sheets and such rules will continue to be displayed on the club Notice Board for a period of 30days after they are framed. The Committee may allocate certain times on the Time - for club matches and competitions or for any other purpose as they deem fit.

    (h) No player shall play on the Course without signing the Starter's Register.

  • 12. Rules of Golf

    The latest rules for the game of Golf for the time being as prescribed by the Royal & Ancient Club of St. Andrews, shall govern rules of play at the Club, along with the Local Rules in force.

  • 13. Pace of Play

    To enable maximum utilization of the Golf Course by our members, the following Regulations will be enforced.

    (i) A group NOT ready to tee-off at its allotted booked time shall lose its place.

    (ii) A two ball has no standing on the Course except for tournaments.

    (iii) A group that is NOT READY to Tee-off by the time the Group ahead has finished playing their second shots, shall be deemed to be "Out of Position". Such a group shall lose its place on the course for the day.

    (iv) During the peak golfing season as decided by the GRGC, member will allowed to play as per the Booking Roster. If play cannot be commenced at the scheduled time as notified in the "Booking Roster for reasons of fog, inclement weather, or any other unforeseeable reason, the following procedure will be adopted by the starters:

    (a) The course will be declared "closed" after obtaining the permission of the President/Secy Golf.

    (b) All timings allotted to Members prior to the time the course "re-opens will stand cancelled and play will commence at the nearest notified booked time- at the discretion of the Starters.

    (c) Those who have "lost" their "time" on account of "closure" of the course may however commence play at the hole they "would be" at the time of the re-opening of the course within the first 2 hrs, of the first starting time.

    13.1 Pace of Play

    Average normal timings taken to complete a round is 2 Hrs 25 minutes for 9 holes and 4 hours 50 minutes for 18 holes (9 holes repeated). Total time for completion of round therefore should not exceed the above average playing time. Repeated defaulters will be termed as "SLOW PLAYERS", and will not be given priority time.

    Play at Good Pace and Keep Up Players should play at a good pace. The club Committee may establish pace of play guidelines that all players should follow.

    It is a group's responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it loses, it is clearly a hold and it is delaying the group behind, they should invite the group behind to play through, irrespective of the number of players in that group.

    13.2 Be Ready to Play

    Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When playing on or near the putting green, they should leave their bags or carts in such a position as will enable quick movement off the green and towards the next tee. When the play of a hold has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.

    13.3 Priority on the Course

    Unless otherwise determined by the Club Committee, priority on the course is determined by a group's pace of play. Any group playing a whole round is entitled to pass a group playing a shorter round. The term "group" includes 2 players.

  • 14. Gratuities etc. to club employees

    No member, visitor, dependent or guest shall give any money, fee or gratuity to any employee of the Club nor shall the latter receive the same on any pretence whatsoever. Infringement will invoke disciplinary action.

  • 15. Conduct of club employees

    The conduct of a club employee shall in no instance be made a matter of personal reprimand/ action by any member. All complaints regarding the behaviour and conduct of Club employee shall be made in writing to the Secretary or Captain of the Club who shall enquire into the circumstances of the case and take action as may be considered necessary and advice the member concerned.

  • 16. Members domestic employees etc. (mde)

    Members Domestic Employees (MDE) such as ayahs drivers, attendants etc. while they are in the club premises shall be subject to and shall obey, the lawful orders given to them by the Captain, Secretary or any Office bearer or authorised officer of the Club and it shall be the duty of members to instruct MDE accordingly.

    MDE are not permitted in the Club House, Lounges, Golf Course etc. In case member wishes to give food, member has to pick the food from the counter and only then, can be given to MDEs. They are not allowed to pick up food from the Counter.

  • 17. Animals

    Dogs or other pet animals are not allowed in the premises of the Club and the Course.

  • 18. Dependants/senior dependants


    Parents and members who bring their children to the Club are responsible at all times for their behaviour while in the club premises. Registered dependent children while playing golf are allowed to use Annexe facilities.


    Visitors/guests may be introduced into the Club premises and course. The member shall be responsible for entering his guest(s) together with his own name in the register kept with the starter/receptionist.

  • 19. Transistors / radio & tape recorders

    Use of Transistors/Radio & Tape Recorders etc. is not permitted in the vicinity of the Club House.

  • 20. Bringing in personal food items / alcoholic drinks in the club premises

    Eatables, beverages or alcoholic drinks for consumption in the Club from outside are not permitted

  • 21. No smoking area

    All notified areas in the Club are no smoking areas, as per rules enforced by the Government. A penalty of Rs.200/-be levied on the members who are found smoking In the "No Smoking Areas" in the Club.

  • 22. Membership Card

    It is mandatory for all members of the Club to produce Membership Card while using any club facility.

  • 23. Caddies & fore caddies

    Caddies will be available at the Caddy Master's Desk on first come first serve basis and paid directly by the members as per the recommended feesas decided by management committee. They shall not be specifically retained for any particular member player. Only registered shall be permitted.

    Fore-caddies may be engaged except in competitions where the condition of play are applicable.

    Any member playing with a Playing Caddy shall have the same standing on the course as any other members. Payment due to caddies/fore-caddies must, in all cases, be made by the members/guests immediately on completion of a round and they shall not be permitted to loiter in the vicinity of the Club House or Annexe awaiting payment Any complaint against caddies/fore-caddies must be made to the Caddy Master as soon as possible.

  • 24. Suggestions and complaints

    Suggestions/Complaints should be addressed to the Secretary in writing or entered in a book which is kept for the purpose at the Reception.

  • 25. Removal or damage to the club property

    No member, dependent, visitor or guest shall injure, mutilate, or take away from the Club for any reason whatsoever, any newspaper book or any other article crockery or any other item, being the property of the Club. Any member or visitor injuring, breaking or otherwise damaging or removing the property of the Club, shall at the discretion of the club be called upon to make good such damage or loss and to pay such further amount by way of fine as the club may decide A member shall be liable for any breakages, loss or damage caused by guests or visitors introduced by him/her.

  • 26. Liability of the club

    All members, visitor dependents and guests who enter upon the club premises and/or play Golf or in any other area (including practice areas) or consume any form of food, refreshments or water supplied by the Club, or park their vehicles on or in the vicinity of the Club premises, or leave any article(s) of whatsoever nature in or on the club premises, whether in lockers or elsewhere or in deposit with any office bearer or staff of the club, do so at their own risk and cost and the club shall not be liable under any circumstances for personal injury sustained by them or los s or damage to their property notwithstanding that such injury, loss or damage may directly or indirectly be due to, occasioned by or contributed to by the negligence of the Club or any of its office bearers committee members, staff, members of their servants or any person whatsoever.

    No member of the club shall under any circumstances claim damages of any kind from the Club for any reason whatsoever, nor shall he proceed legally or otherwise against the Club for the realisation of any claim whatsoever and the decision of the club committee shall in all such matters be final. Committee members, office bearers and staff of the club will be fully indemnified against any claims by members of the public for injury or property damage caused by golf balls hit outside the boundaries of the course or any other incident whatever in the course of golf being played in the Club.

  • 27. Good Behaviour

    All members are expected to conduct themselves with utmost restraint and gentlemanly/lady like behaviour: Any Member resorting to foul language or physical violence within the Club premises is liable for cancellation ofhis/her membership.

  • 28. Dress code for course and club house

    Members must clean their golf shoes prior to using the Main Club House and its facilities.

    The Dress Code for golfers are as under:

    Dress Code for Course, Practice Putting Green & Practice Range (conforms to guidelines issued by Indian Golf Union).


    - Blue Denim Jeans are prohibited.

    -T-Shirts with Collars /Polo Neck / Mock Neck may only be worn.

    -Golfers should wear appropriate Golf Shoes / flat sports shoe

    - Jogging Suits in any form is strictly prohibited as also T-shirt without collars.

    - Shorts of reasonable length only be worn.

    - Caps if worn, must be worn with the peak in front.


    - May wear T-shirts / blouses.

    - Trousers and normal length shorts / skirts / Capri's.

    - Blue Denim Jeans or Mini shorts, including cut offs, jogging shorts, tights, track suits etc. are not allowed

  • 29. Handicaps

    Inorder to obtain a handicap, members must submit at least four cards of 18 holes. Members are expected to submit their Cards accurately filled in each time they play.

  • 30. Arbitration

    Inany dispute which may arise in any competition or match, whether in regard to interpretation of local Rules or the Rules of Golf, or in the interpretation of these Bye laws the decision of the Club Committee shall be final. The Club Committee may, in its discretion, cancel any competition or match on account of any unforeseen occurrence, or for any reason whatsoever and the Captain or the Championship Committee, if any, for the time being, are empowered to cancel any competition or match on account of stormy weather or any other reason.

  • 31. Instruction to the staff directly

    All instructions to the staff must be routed through the Secretary. Members are advised not to issue instruction to the staff directly.

  • 32. Notices

    All notices will be posted in the Club premises in such part thereof and in such manner as the Committee may from time to time determine. No Notice of any kind shall be placed in the Club premises except by the authority of the club Committee or the Secretary.

  • 33. Etiquette, behaviour on the course

    33.1 Safety

    Players should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.

    Players should not play until the players in front are out of range

    Players should always alert green staff nearby or ahead when they are about to make a stroke that might endanger them.

    If a player plays a ball in a direction where there is a danger of hating someone, he should immediately shout a warning. The traditional word of warning in such situations is "fore"

    33.2 Consideration for Other Players

    Players should always show consideration her players on the course and not disturb their play by moving, talking or making unnecessary noise

    Players should ensure that any electronic device onto the course does not distract other players

    On the teeing ground, a player should not tee his ball unit it is his turn to play

    Players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball or directly behind the hole when a player is about to play

    33.3 On the Putting Green

    On the putting green, players should not stand on another player line of putt or, when he is making a stroke, cast a shadow over his line of putt.

    Players should remain on or close to the putting green until all other players in the group have holed out.

    33.4 Scoring

    In stroke play, a player who is acting as a marker should, if necessary, on the way to the next tee, check the score with the player concerned and record it.

  • 34. Care of the Course

    34.1 Bunkers

    Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them and any nearby made by others. If a rake is within reasonable proximity of the bunker, the rake should be used for this purpose.

    34.2 Repair of Divots, Ball-Marks and Damage by Shoes

    Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself). On completion of the hole by all players in the group, damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes should be repaired.

    34.3 Preventing unnecessary damage

    Players should avoid causing damage to the Jourse by removing divots when taking practice swings or by hitting the head of a club into the ground, whether in anger or for any other reason.

    Players should ensure that no damage is done to the putting green when putting down bags or the flag stick. In order to avoid damaging the hole players and caddies should not stand too close to the hole and should take care during the handling of the flag stick and the removal of a ball from the hole. The head of a club should not be used to remove a ball from the hole.

    Players should not lean on their clubs when on the putting green, particularly when removing the ball from the hole.

    The flag stick should be properly placed in the hole before the players leave the putting green.

  • 35. Managing committee and administration of the club

    35.1 overall management and administration of the club is the responsibility of the Executive Committee of Guwahati Railway Greens, N.F. Railway Ecopark, Amingaon.

    The General Manager, N.F. Railway is the Patron and the General Manager, N.F.Railway (Construction) is the Co-Patron of the Club. The President/NFRSA will be de facto President of the Club. The Managing Committee consisting of 7 Permanent Railway Members shall be constituted by the President in consultation with the Patron. The committee shall consist of:

    i. President

    ii. Secretary

    iii. Treasurer

    iv. Captain

    v. Other Three members

  • 36. Visitors

    36.1 Members may introduce Visitors as Guests to the Club. Members shall enter their names with the names of the visitors in a book kept for this purpose. During the time such visitors enjoy the hospitality of the Club, the introducing member shall be present and be liable for all debts contracted or damage caused by his guest or guests. No one who has been refused membership or expelled from the club can be introduced as a guest.

    36.2 The Managing Committee may at its discretion invite guests who are non members to any particular function of the club.

    36.3 foreign and Indian tourists staying in Hotels which have taken corporate membership may use the club facilities. They will pay green fees as specified by the Managing Committee.

    36.4 The adult children of a member shall not be entitled to enjoy the privileges of the Club unless they are members themselves. However, for Railway members, this clause will not be applicable.

    36.5 Spouse and minor children of a member are entitled to use the club facilities without any charge duly showing the identity card issued to them.

  • 37. Termination of Membership

    37.1 A member shall continue to be a member until his/her resignation in writing has been accepted by the Managing Committee and all his/her dues have been cleared or until he/she ceases to be a member under any other rule(s) of the Club or by death.

    37.2 In case of death of a member, the surviving spouse may apply for continuation of membership.

    37.3 person adjudicated to be an insolvent or dismissed from any service through criminal misdemeanour can become or remain a member of the club.

  • 38. Payment of Bills

    38.1 Club bills shall become payable on presentation through E-mail/Whatsapp or Notified in the Notice Board of the Club. If not paid within 30 days defaulter shall be liable to pay penalty of Rs.200/-per month.

    38.2 If any member has not paid all sums due, the Managing Committee shall have the right to terminate the membership.

    38.3 A person whose membership has been terminated under provisions of this article will not be permitted to use the club even as a guest.

  • 39. Bank Account

    39.1 The membership charge and any other charges related to Eco Park, Guwahati Railway Greens shall be deposited in the NFRSA Account through Cheque, IMPS, NEFT, RTGS Cash.

    39.2 The operation of the Account (Issue of cheques/Withdrawal of money etc.) shall be done by NFRSA members (President/Secy/Treasurer), as being done presently.

    39.3 The responsibility of keeping proper accounts lies with the treasurer.

    39.4 Audit shall be conducted by the Auditor decided by Finance deptt.

  • 40. Resource management and upkeep of club

    40.1 In addition to the support provided by the Railways, club shall be entitled to raise resources/funds through different means viz. receive support from various corporates/Private parties and shall also be entitled to give/rent out the club facilities to Railway/Private members on the tariff decided by management committee. The rent to be collected shall be decided/reviewed by the management committee time to time. The charges for Railways and other non-Railway members shall be different and decided by the management committee.

  • 41. Pro-shop, restaurant and other commercial establishment

    40.1 The management committee shall decide to open Pro-shop/restaurant/ commercial establishment in the premises of club, rented out area (other than Golf Course), for hosting private events like Birthday/Anniversaries/get-together etc.) based on the tariff/rent decided by them in the interest of the club.

  • 42. Manpower for managing day to day office of the Club

    The management committee is authorized to engage required nos. of persons for maintenance/other activities of the club. Remuneration of the manpower shall be borne by the club.

  • 43. Plants & Machinery

    Management committee will decide to procure and maintain plant & machinery required by the club from the funds generated by them.

  • 44. Golf Tournaments

    44.1 Internal Tournament: Club shall organise competitions/tournaments within the members on regular basis. Holding of other competitions/tournaments shall also be decided by the management committee.

    44.2 Course can also be given to the corporate/private bodies for holding tournaments on hire basis. The hire charges shall be decided by the management committee.

  • 45. Fishing Right

    Large nos. water bodies/ponds exist in the Eco park. Management committee shall explore the possibility for generating resources through fishing rights.